Indigenous Ministers

IET is at the forefront of paradigm shift in  ministry among unreached.

This new strategic approach recognizes the vital role indigenous ministers play in creating an efficient, effective, sustainable and enduring work in a region.

Ministers Reaching Their Own People

Indigenous ministers know the language and understand the nuances of each culture. They are uniquely capable of sharing the message of Christ love in a culturally relevant way.

In areas that are restricted, indigenous ministers are more able to freely move between tribes and villages.  And they often are able to build relationships of trust more quickly and effectively.

Support From Village to Village

IET works to train and support native ministers to go into regions and people groups where the message of Christ’s love has never been heard.

Each indigenous minister is carefully selected, mentored in the Scriptures and faith, trained in best practices for indigenous ministry and prepared to face the challenges which may lie ahead — including persecution.

Jesus Film Ministry

India is known for its passion for movies. Dayasagar (Man of Mercy) is a film made in India and with Indian actors on the life of Jesus. It has proven to be a very effective and culturally resonating tool to share the Gospel message to the people in South East Asia. In a region where illiteracy prevails, film ministry communicates the story of Jesus intelligently and meaningfully.

Every evening when the farmers and hunters in the villages return home, there is nothing to do after sunset. The IET evangelist uses this time to set up the film unit in a public square or in the courtyard of a friendly villager. Longing for any entertainment, the film soon attracts a large number of men, women, and children. The film, combined with careful follow up over the next few days often results in several giving their heart to Christ—a seed for the first church to be planted there.

Bible Distribution

Each time we open our Bibles we meet God in the Word! What a privilege we have to open the Bible in our language and experience God. The immensity of this blessing becomes even more important when we consider that more than 90% of the people in South East Asia have no access to a Bible or a New Testament. A chance to read [or listen to audio files] the Bible on their own is a gift that every native missionary wants to give the people they minister among.

IET distributes more than 25,000 Bibles in various Indian languages every year.


Books, Movies, Music and Teaching DVD’s
IET aims to provide discipleship teaching in the form of print, movies, worship music and video, to the Christian believers in South East Asia. We publish numerous tracts, instructional books, and devotionals in multiple languages. To get the latest catalogue, Drop us a message (using the contact form below).

Monthly Prayer/Newsletters
Acts 29
Drop us a message (using the contact form below) and ask to subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter that shares stories and prayer requests from the mission field in South East Asia. This will move you to see things from God’s heart and allow you to join in making a difference through your prayers and support. Acts 29 is available in English and Tamil.

Indian Messenger (Malayalam)
This is a free monthly Malayalam newsletter that shares reports and stories from our ministries. It also provides you an opportunity to intelligently pray for the work, the ministers, and unreached people. If you will commit to stand with us in prayers and support, please contact us to obtain the free monthly missions magazine. Again, contact using the form below to request this.

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