Join The Movement


There are several specific ways you can join and support the IET family in reaching the unreached in South East Asia:

You can PRAY  |  You can GIVE  |  You can REPRESENT

Pray for IET

Several years ago a missiologist asked us the secret behind our explosive growth. The answer was very clear in our minds, “The intense prayers of the IET workers and the fervent prayers of our faithful prayer supporters.”

Friends, we need your prayers. The harvest is plenty and ready. Your prayers make a difference, in opening up closed hearts and in enabling the laborers to go. Your prayers are also our strength and help us to stay obedient to His call. We ask for your faithful prayers in taking the Gospel and establishing His Kingdom among the unreached in South East Asia. This same passion and trust in the power of prayer to move history is upheld by each IET minister, and is seen in the visible corporate life of the IET family.

Sign Up To Pray

There are times when urgent and focused prayer is needed. These times include prayer requests for those under attack, persecution, disaster and such. By signing up to be a part of the IET Global Prayer Team, these urgent requests will be sent to you, as well as regular news from ministries. Use the contact form below to register your interest in receiving our prayer updates.

Global Prayer Teams

We believe the global Christian can be an important force in penetrating every unreached village in South East Asia with our Lord’s love and power. If prayer and unreached ministry is your heart, we would like you to consider organizing and leading a group committed to pray for IET and South East Asia. Perhaps you could meet once a week or over lunch break at work or simply organize an e-mail network to organize prayer for IET and South East Asia. Remember, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). If intercessory prayer is your call and burden, then will you join in transforming the world through prayer?

IET’s House Of Prayer

Since the establishment of IET in 1972, there has been a prayer band of brothers and sisters within the Team who have dedicated themselves to continuous intercession for the work of God through IET.

Our supporters are also prayed for and are always welcomed to send specific prayer needs to the prayer sisters using the contact form below.

Give To IET

We would appreciate your financial support. Visit our donation page for giving instructions.

Here are some specific ways you can help IET financially:

  • Sponsor IET ministers and their families, including contributing towards their children’s education
  • The needs of children in Children’s Homes
  • Helping to construct a church building
  • Training indigenous church planters
  • Towards Building a Children’s Home
  • Providing Ministry Tools:
    > Distribution of Bibles and New Testaments
    > Generators
    > Village Public Meetings
    > Gospel Chariots: Jeeps, Bicycles and Motorbikes
    > Kerosene Lantern
    > A Ceiling or Pedestal Fan

Other specific projects as and when required. For example, IET took part in providing food, clothing and basic shelter for those affected by super cyclone last year in one of the Indian states. This included rescuing children in immediate danger of being trafficked.

Represent IET

Geographical location becomes less important when it comes to reaching the unreached. You can continue to take the Gospel to the unreached villages in South East Asia and plant churches among the unreached right where you are. We believe God has placed you at the right place for such a time as this.

You can be an ambassador, in introducing and flaming the heart of your friends, neighbors and others for missions and IET. We are looking for volunteer representatives like you, who will be co-ministers in your own area, among your natural circle of relationships.

If you believe God is calling you to be more involved in reaching the unreached in South East Asia, consider becoming an IET representative! An IET volunteer representative’s responsibility is to help friends and fellow Christians understand their responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission and present the ministry of IET as a means of fulfilling that God given responsibility.

If this interests you please let us know via the contact form below.

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